Showing posts with label infrared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infrared. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2022

Digital News of today: 1. gravity 2.self driving big rigs 3. infrared imaging


Japan Wants to Bring Artificial Gravity to the Moon

The proposed 1,300-foot-tall lunar structure would spin three times every minute, generating Earth-like gravity for its inhabitants.

Quote: "... The future of space exploration will likely include longer stays in low gravity environments, whether in orbit or on the surface of another planet. Problem is, long stays in space can wreak havoc on our physiology; recent research shows that astronauts can suffer a decade of bone loss during months in space, and that their bones never return to normal. Thankfully, researchers from Kyoto University and the Kajima Corporation are seeking to engineer a potential solution...." 

The Self-Driving Big Rigs That You'll See on the Highway Soon

Aurora, Waymo, TuSimple and Torc are among the leaders in an industry that could pass self-driving cars.

Brian Cooley headshot
Brian Cooley
July 9, 2022  

What Is Infrared Imaging? How NASA's Webb Telescope Reveals the Hidden Universe

How the agency's next-gen space explorer could show us an unfiltered version of the cosmos.

Monisha Ravisetti

Why it's best to use CASH - cash is king

 Via social media post, here is a very interesting explanation as to why pay with cash whenever possible, when you are shopping. I copied th...