Yesterday, I wasted so much time converting files. This morning I wanted to start fresh and figure out what was wrong, before seeing a technician.
So I'll list in here some search results:
And here is a great article which I will read and take notes:
There's nothing more disappointing than an agonizingly slow laptop. If you're looking to speed things up, here's how to do it without spending your hard-earned cash.
By Mark Knapp5 months ago
while at it, I saw this article:
If your Windows PC is running slowly, there are some solutions you can try to help make it run better. Here are the tips in order of what you should try to fix the problem. To get more information about each tip, use the Tips to improve PC performance link at the bottom of this topic.
Make sure you have the latest updates for Windows and device drivers.
Restart your PC and open only the apps you need.
Use ReadyBoost to help improve performance.
Make sure the system is managing the page file size.
Check for low disk space and free up space.
Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
Pause OneDrive syncing.
Disable unnecessary startup programs.
Check for and remove viruses and malware.
Restore your PC from a system restore point.
Tips to improve performance in Windows
Steps I took: I checked my windows 10 and it was up to date. Then as usual I am offered to switch to windows 11. I searched once again about that and what would be different. I love PCWorld (was it used to be PC Magazine?) and I trust their opinion
5 reasons to switch to Windows 11 (and 5 reasons not to)
We have four good reasons to upgrade to Windows 11 -- and five more that say you should stick with Windows 10.
Senior Editor, PCWorld May 24, 2023 9:00 am PDT
Few takes from the article for my use: "
Will your PC even run Windows 11?
Quite frankly, the transition to Windows 11 has always been surrounded by a “will they or won’t they approach” to Windows 11’s hardware requirements. For a while, the restrictions that Microsoft put on the available supported processors made Windows 11 desirable; no one likes being told that they can’t upgrade, especially when they’ve paid good money for an existing PC. Then there were the exceptions, and the workarounds. In the end, the hassle of upgrading an older PC to Windows 11 might make some people ride out Windows 10 until they get a new PC.
No one, least of all Microsoft, wants PC users to be hacked. But it’s to Microsoft’s credit that no major exploit really plagued Windows 10 or Windows 11.
My take: so it's not necessary to upgrade to Windows 11, until I buy a new one.
Is Windows 11 faster than Windows 10? No
" ... In fairness, Windows 11 is a little faster, but just not that much to be significant.
"... Do I really need to upgrade? The answer, simply put, is no—not yet. Windows 10 ends support on October 14, 2025,
While scrolling PCMag - I came upon this very interesting article. Wait, what??? No USB flash drive???? We just got used to seeing new laptops not having DVD or CD players and had to buy external ones!!! And now USBs???
So here is the article:
This Windows feature eliminates the need for a USB flash drive
If you have handfuls of smaller files to get from one PC to another, this method is very simple and quick.
Senior Editor, PCWorld Jul 12, 2024 6:00 am PDT
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