Showing posts with label traderjoe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traderjoe. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2021

Businesses and woke corporate politics


The Price of Woke Corporate Politics

A new ad campaign targets Nike, Coca-Cola and American Airlines.

Some of America’s most prominent CEOs have been getting political, as in woke political, and perhaps they figured it was cost-free. They are now learning the hard way that it isn’t, as a national advertising campaign targets their brands and credibility.

The campaign launched Tuesday by Consumers’ Research, a conservative nonprofit, takes aim at Nike, Coca-Cola and American Airlines. But others could be the targets, says Will Hild, executive director of Consumers’ Research. The 30-second spots will air on national cable news, as well as “in local markets where the companies are headquartered,” the nonprofit said. One source says the overall ad buy could be up to $13 million....

Comments from readers:

"Go woke, go broke"

Trader Joe in the USA just fired an employee for not taking a vaccine. I have heard people swear they will never, ever step foot in a Trader Joe store again in their life. The NBA is getting just half the supporters since it went woke. The big TV media company ratings have crashed since they became woke propagandists. The Oscars have become a non event to most people since Hollywood embraced virtual signalling.

Big business should stay out of politics and wokeness. It has no upside and huge downside.



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