Updated August 18. 2022
Companies already have the systems in place that are needed to evaluate their deeper impacts on the social fabric.
Updated information Aug 1, 2022
Sunset of the social network
- Scott Rosenberg
- Quote from above article:
Now Facebook wants to shape your online life around the algorithmically-sorted preferences of millions of strangers around the globe.
- That's how TikTok sorts the videos it shows users, and that's largely how Facebook will now organize its home screen.
- The
dominant player in social media is transforming itself into a kind of
digital mass media, in which the reactions of hordes of anonymous users,
processed by machine learning, drive the selection of your content.
- .........
What's next: Messaging will continue to grow as the central channel for private, one-to-one and small group communications.
- Meta owns a big chunk of that market, too, thanks to Facebook Messenger and its ownership of WhatsApp.
- At
the other end of the media spectrum, the "discovery engines" run by
TikTok and Meta will duke it out with streaming services to capture
billions of eyeballs around the globe and sell that attention to
All this leaves a vacuum in
the middle — the space of forums, ad-hoc group formation and small
communities that first drove excitement around internet adoption in the
pre-Facebook era.
- Facebook's sunseting of its own social
network could open a new space for innovation on this turf, where
relative newcomers like Discord are already beginning to thrive.
Now you can remove someone from your followers list without blocking them entirely.